

This is a general view of educative system in the United Kingdom and other Common Wealth belonging countries
Alberto Salas
Mapa Mental por Alberto Salas, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Alberto Salas
Criado por Alberto Salas quase 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. Foundation stage (3-5 years)
    1. Nursery
    2. Primary education (5-11 years)
      1. Key Stage 1
        1. Infants (5-7 years)
        2. Key Stage 2
          1. Juniors (7-11 years)
        3. Secondary education
          1. High School (11-16)
            1. Key Stage 3 (11-14)
              1. Key Stage 4 (14-16)
              2. Sixth form (16-18)
                1. Post-16 education
                  1. Key Stage 5
                    1. GCSE
                      1. General Certificate of Secondary School
                    2. Apprenticeships & traineeships
                      1. Level 2
                        1. Intermediate
                        2. Level 3
                          1. Advanced
                          2. Level 4-7
                            1. Higher
                            2. Level 6-7
                              1. Degree
                      2. Higher education
                        1. Tertiary education
                          1. Level 4
                            1. Certificates
                            2. Level 5
                              1. Diploms
                                1. Foundation degrees
                                2. Level 6
                                  1. Bachelor´s degree
                                  2. Level 7
                                    1. Master´s degree
                                    2. Level 8
                                      1. Doctorates
                                  3. Others
                                    1. Adult education
                                      1. Acces courses
                                        1. University
                                        2. Open University
                                          1. Distance programes
                                          2. WEA
                                            1. Worker´s Educational Association
                                              1. Semi-recreational courses
                                        3. Kinds of School
                                          1. Overseen by
                                            1. UK Despartment of Education
                                              1. &
                                                1. Local Government authorities
                                                  1. State-funded Schools
                                                2. Fee-paying
                                                  1. Independent shools
                                                    1. Preparatory school (<13)
                                                      1. Secondary school (>13)
                                                        1. Grammar school
                                                          1. High Education Colleges
                                                            1. University colleges
                                                              1. Universities
                                                                1. Private colleges


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