Energy matters DVD cover


daniel evans
Mapa Mental por daniel evans, atualizado more than 1 year ago
daniel evans
Criado por daniel evans quase 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Energy matters DVD cover
  1. logos
    1. company logo
      1. 12 age certificate
        1. dvd logo
          1. anti-piracy warning logo
            1. dolby digital
            2. images
              1. front cover
                1. a man standing still whilst the is a battle going on
                2. back cover
                  1. energy box with a guy leaning on it and carrying a gun
                    1. the description of the film
                      1. scenes from the film
                        1. reviews
                          1. info included aspect ratio and feature run time and sound quality
                        2. text
                          1. the title wil be energy matters
                            1. the font would be a action movie -like, font


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