

GCSE Music - 'The Messiah' And the Glory Of the Lord, Handel
Mapa Mental por gawwjaaa, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por gawwjaaa quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. Oratorio
    1. Religious song
      1. Large scale orchestra piece
      2. Baroque
        1. 1600-1750
          1. Terraced dynamics
            1. Use of harpsichord
              1. Ornamentation
              2. Motive 1
                1. Syllabic
                  1. And the Glory of the Lord
                    1. Sung by Altos
                    2. Motive 2
                      1. Sequence
                        1. Melismatic
                          1. Sung by tenors and Basses
                            1. Shall be Revealved
                            2. Motive 3
                              1. And all flesh shall see it together
                                1. Melismatic
                                  1. Sung by Altos
                                    1. Immitation
                                    2. 3/4
                                      1. joyful
                                      2. Allegro
                                        1. fast
                                          1. lively
                                            1. joyful
                                            2. Keys
                                              1. A major mostly
                                                1. modulates to Emjr and B mjr
                                                2. Motive 4
                                                  1. For the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it
                                                    1. Held notes for emphasism
                                                      1. Sung by Tenors and Basses
                                                      2. Instrumentation
                                                        1. String parts double the voices
                                                          1. Intro - Strings
                                                            1. Harpsichord improvises harmonies
                                                              1. Bassoon and Oboe parts later added
                                                                1. STAB
                                                                2. Rhythm
                                                                  1. Hemiola - sounds like it is in 2/4
                                                                    1. Regular
                                                                      1. Sustained Cadence
                                                                      2. Texture
                                                                        1. Homo
                                                                          1. Immitation
                                                                            1. Poly
                                                                              1. Mono


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