First aids kit


Medical advices about firs aids
Raúl Bailo Lacalle
Mapa Mental por Raúl Bailo Lacalle, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Raúl Bailo Lacalle
Criado por Raúl Bailo Lacalle aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

First aids kit
  1. For burns
    1. Run cool water
      1. Ask him or her to lie on the ground and roll
        1. Apply antisepticcream on it
          1. Put a blancket around the person
            1. You should not
              1. Prick a blister
            2. For animal bites
              1. Put a clean bandage
                1. Put ice cubes on the area affected
                  1. Apply antiseptic cream on it
                    1. Vinegar, lemon juice and toothpaste can be applied
                      1. Remove the insect´s Sting with a tweeze
                        1. Clean immediately the wound
                        2. For fractures
                          1. Use a sling or a split to support the fractured area
                            1. You should not
                              1. Move the fractured area without a proper support
                                1. Massage the area


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                              Diego Santos
                              mapa conceptual/ conocimiento cientifico
                              Manuel Armando Cruz Prado
                              Los Cinco Sentidos
                              Diego Santos
                              ORGANELOS DE LA CÉLULA ANIMAL Y VEGETAL
                              Juan Pablo Eskenasy Estrada
                              RESPIRACIÓN CELULAR
                              Carla Rubio Julián
                              FUENTES DE ENERGÍA
                              Alba Guzman
                              Esquema del control y diseño experimental
                              Julio Grijalva
                              LOS ADITIVOS DE LOS ALIMENTOS
                              Maria Rosario
                              FILOSOFÍA Y CIENCIA EN LA ANTIGUA GRECIA
                              Carmen Baena
                              Sistemas del Cuerpo Humano
                              Diego Santos