The Theme of Heroes


Mapa Mental sobre The Theme of Heroes, criado por caty em 04-05-2013.
Mapa Mental por caty, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por caty quase 12 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

The Theme of Heroes
  1. Francis
    1. Other People's Reactions to him
      1. 'You earned the right not to talk'- Arthur
        1. 'How many men were you willing to die for?'
          1. 'You're a big hero' - Enrico
            1. 'his eyes widen..."own silver star"'
              1. 'You're a goddam hero'
              2. who he thinks are the real heroes
                1. 'I wanted to be like them, theses heroes' - Arthur
                  1. 'Noble deaths'
                  2. Why he thinks he is not a Hero
                    1. ''Noble deaths the deaths of heroes'
                      1. 'I am not the hero he thinks I am'
                    2. Peoples' views on Soldiers and War Verterans
                      1. Mrs Belander
                        1. ''Veteran?' ... her face softened'
                        2. The towns people
                          1. 'They're going all out for Veterans'
                          2. Sister Mathilde
                            1. 'You have made us all proud
                            2. The strangler (bartender chapter 6)
                              1. 'Lets me nurse my beer'
                              2. Francis
                                1. 'Wanted to be like them'
                              3. Larry Lasalle
                                1. Before war
                                  1. 'Fred Astaire'
                                    1. 'A star'
                                      1. 'The crowd applauded'
                                        1. 'I stood spellbound by his words'
                                        2. during/return from war
                                          1. 'Captures enemy'
                                            1. 'Patron Saint of the Wreck Centre'
                                              1. 'Knife-link'
                                                1. 'Best of the best'
                                                  1. 'Pied piper'
                                                  2. Enjoys being a Hero
                                                    1. 'First... to enlist'
                                                      1. entire platoon'
                                                      2. His cruelty
                                                        1. 'Cheeks moist with tears'
                                                          1. 'He made us feel special'
                                                            1. 'Sweet young things'
                                                          2. Arthur Rivier
                                                            1. 'Sillver star and the men who wear it'
                                                              1. 'Frenchtown warriors'
                                                                1. Represents the ordinary war heroes
                                                                  1. 'Only there'
                                                                  2. his views on war
                                                                    1. 'You deserve a drink'
                                                                      1. ''Nobody talks about the war'
                                                                    2. Cormiers views on War Heroes
                                                                      1. what has he shown us
                                                                        1. 'How could I die by leaping from a steeple?'
                                                                        2. Appearance vs Reality
                                                                          1. 'clutching his stomach because he has diarrhoea'
                                                                            1. 'nobody displaying heroics or bravado'
                                                                            2. Who are the real heroes?
                                                                              1. 'Who were not only there but stayed'
                                                                                1. 'Didn't receive a silver star'


                                                                              Heroes- Themes
                                                                              Alysia Bradley
                                                                              Larry LaSalle
                                                                              Francis Cassavant
                                                                              Nicole Renard
                                                                              Helmet Heroes Championship
                                                                              Nicole Renard
                                                                              Maddie Shand
                                                                              Heroes- Betrayal
                                                                              heroes- confronting evil
                                                                              Larry LaSalle
                                                                              Maddie Shand