Eating Disorders


A level Psychology A2 (Eating Behaviours) Mapa Mental sobre Eating Disorders, criado por Stephanie Bates em 01-04-2014.
Stephanie Bates
Mapa Mental por Stephanie Bates, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Stephanie Bates
Criado por Stephanie Bates mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Eating Disorders
  1. Body weight -85% normal for age/height
    1. Intense fear of fat, distorted perception of body weight + shape
      1. 90% women
        1. Behavioural Explanations - SLT + Operant Conditioning
          1. SLT + role of media, parents + peers
            1. Obs/ + imitation - Role models valued/admired (magazines, films, TV)
              1. Model rewarded = imitation more likely (vicarious reinforcement)
                1. Direct reinforcement (operant conditioning) = imp/ - praised by peers or parents for losing weight, thinner
                  1. Female role models = slim + attractive. Creates tension bet/w real self + ideal self. = Dissatisfaction w/ body weight +shape = dieting + obsession w/ food
                    1. Striegal-Moore + Bulik (2007) - media images idealised women e.g. Miss world (taller + slimmer over 50 yrs). Ass/ w/ rise in EDs
                      1. Becker et al (2002) - 1995 63 Fijian girls, questionnaire attitudes to eating and TV viewing habits. 3yrs. 13% risk of ED 1st yr, 29%.
                        1. SLT - explains men EDs, depiction in mags - supplements/steroids. Explained by inf/ in media.
                          1. Most women exposed, few AN - other vulnerability factors (personality, social anxiety + low self-esteem) vulnerable. Poss/ genetic factors
                          2. Psychodynamic Explanations
                            1. Family Systems Theory - Minuchin et al (1975) - Enmeshment (no identity, not independent) - Unable to Resolve Conflict (deny, ignore conflict transfer anxiety to AN child. AN ettempt to divert attention from fam/ conflicts
                              1. Bruch (1973) - Exert control. Girls trying to become autonomous + independent. One area to control
                                1. Crisp (1980) - Preventing sexual maturity + gain control over development. Prevent menstruation - unconscious desire remain pre-pubertal (fear of adulthood)
                                  1. Retrospective - fam/ interactions after ED - cause + effect
                                    1. Difficult to test scientifically - case studies. Biased samples, not representative, lack control + reliability
                                      1. Developing baby - gender bias - explanation limited
                                      2. Wilson et al (2007) - Pos/ app/ - fam/ dynamics. Family therapy effective.
                                      3. IDA - Complex disorder. Psychological (nurture) limited - ED = social, psychological + biological e.g...


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