What is the significance of family values in Macbeth?


A mindmap exploring the significance of familial aspects and features in Macbeth
Precious Achelo
Mapa Mental por Precious Achelo, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Precious Achelo
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What is the significance of family values in Macbeth?
  1. Macbeth v Macduff
    1. Family dynamics within the play highlight the difference between these two characters.
      1. MACBETH
        1. Has none (except a late son)
          1. LADY MACBETH
            1. Does inform wife (initially)
              1. Claims she would "dashed the brains out" of her late son if she had made a promise to, shows a lack of compassion and maternal instinct. Another quotation that highlights this lack of maternal instinct is when she calls on spirits to "take my milk for gall". Asking for them to exchange her breasts milk for poison. So long story shot, Lady Mcbeth isn't mother of the year
          2. MACDUFF
            1. Has Children
              1. LADY MACDUFF
                1. Doesn't inform his wife of his arrangements
                  1. Appears to be rather compassionate towards her son. They have some good-humoured banter between each other. (LADY: yes, he is dead. How wilt thou do for a father? SON: Nay, how will you do for a husband? LADY: Why, I can buy me twenty at any market SON: then you'll buy'em to sell again.
          3. Descendants and Heirs
            1. There's a continuous reference to the idea of successors, the whole play is often driven by this concept. Malcom and Donaldbain must flee because they are heirs to the throne, Macbeth fears his place as heir due to the prophecy about Banquo's sons. Male inheritance is probably one of the most daunting concept to Macbeth in the play.
              1. The concept that one must not overstep natural laws to succeed is made clearly by the downfall of Macbeth and the ascension of Malcom.
              2. Societal Expectations
                1. Lady Macbeth fails to conform to the Jacobean standards of a wife, she is overtly involved with political decisions of her country. This may make some members of the audience approach her character warily.
                2. Villainy and Compassion
                  1. Similar to the contrast between Macbeth and Macduff, the two parallel's illustrate the difference between good and bad when it isnt clear
                    1. Macbeth and his wife, fail to be portrayed as compassionate characters.
                      1. This is primarily due to their disregard for the reverence of family. Lady Macbeth claims she would kill her son if she had made such a vow. Macbeth slaughters a family onstage and attempts to kill Banquo and his son onstage, although only actually succeeding in the murder of Banquo not his son. These murders make him appear very villainous


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