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NAZI GERMANY: The Rise of Hitler
Mapa Mental sobre NAZI GERMANY: The Rise of Hitler, criado por nelitalautner em 06-04-2014.
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, atualizado more than 1 year ago
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mais de 10 anos atrás
Resumo de Recurso
NAZI GERMANY: The Rise of Hitler
The Early Years
Hitler used to be a soldier after being rejected from top art school
Asked to be a spy for political parties
Joined DAP in 1919 - only 40 members
Leader: Anton Drexler
Later pushed aside by Hitler
February 1920 - 25 Point Programme
Munich Putsch
Hitler's violent attempt to gain power illegally
Hitler & 300 SA disrupted meeting at local beer hall
Kahr & Lassow
Backed out of rebellion at last minute
SA took contol over army HQ and offices of local newspapers
Gain publicity locally
Kahr called army reinforcements when Hitler went to Munich
16 Nazis killed
Hitler flees but is captured 2 days later. Prison for 9months
Mein Kampf
Outlines his beliefs and his future ideas for a new Germany
Gain support of the public by different means - not violently
Nazi Support
Businessmen and agricultural workers
Hitler wanted to control big businesses but not take them away
This got businessmen to side with him rather than communsits
Hitler wanted to run economy so agriculture and industry would flourish
A.workers would side with him over communists
Hitler wanted to break way from the terms of the ToV so Germany could become strong again
Supportive of Hitler as he would be able to restore Germany's great name
Restriction of army to 100,000 - soldiers would get their jobs back if Hitler was able to break free from this ToV policy
Purifying Germany - Aryan race
Religious/Old Fashioned family
Hitler wanted to return Christian morality and traditional roles among the men/women in the home
Hitler's wealthy ties
Hitler be friended Germany's most wealthiest businessman who had similar hatred for communism
Able to support Nazi party's finances and fun propaganda
Lean years
Inflation had eased and employment had increased
Stresemann was regaining status for Germany in the world
Reputation of Hindenburg got more people to support the Weimar Repubic
Voters supported moderate parties due to the stabilization of Germany. Extreme parties like Nazis and Communists lost ground
Make way for the Nazis
Wall Street Crash
USA recall their loans leaving Germany in a depression (failure of Dawes Plan)
Unemployment increased and public showed unrest
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