

A Levels Psychology (PSYCHOLOGY UNIT 2) Mapa Mental sobre Biofeedback, criado por lj.willis em 07-04-2014.
Mapa Mental por lj.willis, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por lj.willis quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. Involves recording the activity of the physiological systems of the body's stress response, such as HR & BP
    1. Recording it usually made via electrodes on the skin that lead to a moniter held by the patient
    2. People are encouraged to try various strategies which incude...
      1. 1. Muscle relaxation
        1. The aim is to find a strategy to reduce BP consistently and then to transfer this to real life outside of the lab and is practised regularly
        2. 2. Meditation
          1. Enter text here
          2. 3. Altering their posture
            1. Enter text here
          3. Evaluation of biofeedback as a method of stress management
            1. Effectiveness
              1. Can be very successful for some individuals
                1. Might not work for everyone (different responses) - individual differences
                2. Role of relaxation
                  1. No more effective than muscle relaxation
                    1. This suggests that feedback on the symptoms such as BP is not a vital part of the procedure, but that training in relaxation techniques is
                    2. Expense
                      1. Biofeedback is expensive in terms of equipment and time


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