Things Fall Apart: Paper 2 text


Mapa Mental sobre Things Fall Apart: Paper 2 text, criado por Chris Yee em 13-01-2017.
Chris Yee
Mapa Mental por Chris Yee, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Chris Yee
Criado por Chris Yee mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Things Fall Apart: Paper 2 text
  1. Part 1
    1. Non-linear structure
      1. Lacks plot development
        1. Focuses on cultural background
          1. Wants to show that African people have a much more complicated lifestyle
            1. Wants to show their humanity
        2. Ibo conversation style being spoken through proverb to mirror the lack of development of the plot
        3. Part 2
          1. Sped up plot mirrors short time in which the culture is destroyed
            1. White man portrayed as 'womanly' because they are compassionate
            2. Okonkwo
              1. Looks very masculine
                1. Walks as if he were about to hunt his prey
                  1. Desires driven by the fear of becoming his father
                    1. Father was weak
                      1. Ultimately leads to his downfall as a tragic character
                      2. Lack of language
                        1. Ibo culture and the art of communication revolves around language
                        2. Argueably not a man but a symbol of Ibo masculinity
                        3. First english novel written form the perspective of an African


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