7.1 Internet Protocols


A Levels ICT Mapa Mental sobre 7.1 Internet Protocols, criado por Karina A em 17-01-2017.
Karina A
Mapa Mental por Karina A, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Karina A
Criado por Karina A aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

7.1 Internet Protocols
  1. Ethernet
    1. Used to operate LAN (Local Area Network)
      1. Made up of
        1. Data sending/receiving devices (ex: PC, printers)
          1. Data packets receiving/forwarding network devices (ex: hubs, switches, routers)
            1. Medium connecting device (Twisted pair, fibre optic, coaxial cable)
          2. TCP/IP
            1. TCP - ensures accurate data transmission
              1. Removes duplicates
                1. Handshakes another copy if it does not arrive within certain time
                  1. Connection-oriented service - requires handshaking before data exchange
                    1. Congestion control - limits speed of data tranfer
                      1. Reduces congestion and loss of data
                        1. Lack of speed and delays
                          1. Unsuitable for real-time application
                      2. IP - deliver to correct address
                        1. Every device on network has an IP address
                          1. Consists of 4 bytes of data
                            1. Byte - eight binary digits/bits
                          2. Data divided into packets (with destination and source IP addresses)
                          3. Handshaking
                            1. Allow communication - recognise and agree
                              1. Parity check - verifying data has been transmitted accurately
                                1. Protocol which makes the bytes of data even - adds an additional byte (0/1)
                              2. UDP
                                1. Connectionless service - no handshaking required
                                  1. Just send data packets
                                  2. FTP
                                    1. One layer above
                                    2. HTTP
                                      1. Telnet
                                        1. SSH
                                          1. Protocol Layers
                                            1. 1 Physical


                                              • Data transmitted bit by bit from device to device
                                              1. Modems
                                              2. 2 Data link


                                                • Acts upon request for services from network layer and physical layer
                                                1. WiFi
                                                  1. Ethernet
                                                  2. 3 Network/Internet


                                                    • responsible for:   -forwarding packets   -routing   -dealing with TCP/IP protocols
                                                    1. Internet protocol (IP)
                                                    2. 4 Transport


                                                      •   -Responsible for dividing transmitting data into smaller packets   -Adds address of source and destination
                                                      1. Transmission control protocol (TCP)
                                                        1. User datagram protocol (UDP)
                                                        2. 5 Application


                                                          • Consists of protocols that use transport layer to deliver services to network layer
                                                          1. File transfer protocol (FTP)
                                                            1. Hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP)
                                                              1. Telecommunication network (Telnet)
                                                                1. Secure shell (SSH)


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