Animal's Locomotion


Mapa Mental sobre Animal's Locomotion, criado por Daniela Londoño em 19-01-2017.
Daniela Londoño
Mapa Mental por Daniela Londoño, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Daniela Londoño
Criado por Daniela Londoño quase 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Animal's Locomotion
  1. There are lots of types of very intelligent animals, and each one has different capacities, wich means that it's locomotion works different. These are some examples:
    1. Vampire Bat:
      1. It sucks blood
        1. Possesses infallible echolocation skills
          1. Flies better than stealth bombers
            1. It can walk and run
              1. Bats are the only mammals that can fly
        2. Flying squirrels
          1. Squirrels have astonishing agility
            1. They can run wires, hop branches and dangle from swinging tree limbs
              1. Can also walk upside down
                1. Flying squirrels can “fly” up to several feet thanks to specialized built-in wing suits of skin
            2. Octopus
              1. They moves via jet propulsion
                1. It can propel itself and move around via its strength tentacles
                  1. Its tentacles come complete with suckers
                    1. It can also change color, shape, size
                      1. It use shoot blinding ink to make a fast escape
                2. Bears Girafes and Camels,
                    1. They have a different gait and stride than most animals
                      1. They move the same two legs on each side in alternate steps, 1, 3, 2, 4
                        1. (rather than the 1, 4, 2, 3 pattern of most mammals)
                          1. It seems like an an awkward pace, but they can run very swiftly
                          1. Humans
                            1. Humans are rare among mammals because we are bipedal (walk upright on our two feet)
                              1. Bipedalism it’s a specialized adaptation
                                1. It's difficult compared to walking on all fours
                                  1. Simians
                                    1. Bidepial
                                      1. Kangaroos
                                        1. Some Rodents
                                          1. They hop rather tan walk
                                            1. We, humans, don’t hop because it would consume too many calories


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