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Emily Dickinson Context
English (Emily Dickinson) Mapa Mental sobre Emily Dickinson Context, criado por mariya.razeen em 10-04-2014.
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emily dickinson
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quase 11 anos atrás
Resumo de Recurso
Emily Dickinson Context
American civil war
The confederacy collapsed and slavery was abolished
Became a symbol for increasing commercialism, financial pressure, formation of corporations and the Puritan church
Represents warring elements which she believed was tearing up society
Transcendentalism and Romanticism
R - Value of felling and emotion over reasoning
T - God was immanent in nature and man
T - Soul is present in all things
Relationship between humans and the natural world
Believed that society and its institutions (religion and politics) corrupted the purity of the individual
Many debated her sexuality - She was devoted to her brother's wife Sue - her true love?
Her poetry shows that she is a rebel against many of the normal attitudes to their religion, culture and society at the time.
Fear she was losing sight - 1864-65
Recluse - white dress - agoraphobic to avoid social obligations
Poems were published after death
Calvinism and Puritanism
Puritanism purify all Roman catholic forms - much stricter lifestyle
TULIP - those who despair will not be able to enter heaven
Total depravity - all humans are capable of sin
Unconditional election - God chooses who is saved - The elect
Limited atonement - Jesus Christ only died for the sins of the elect
Irresistible grace - elect cannot resist the call
Perseverance of the saints - Elect cannot lose their salvation
Emphasised human goodness as they believed God existed in everyone but also recognised the presence of evil
Gothic genre
Very common in novels at the time
Dickinson adopted many characteristics such as sounds
Gives poem dramatic vividness
19th century women
Responsible for maintaining moral and spiritual values
Domesticated - Dickinson reveals conflicting attitudes towards this ideology
Expected to marry
Usually women who wrote were prompted by their husbands due to their inability to provide for them
protests about women's rights were provoked by the inferior roles women played in society
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