The Weimar Republic


AS Level History (German Depth Study 1918-49) Mapa Mental sobre The Weimar Republic, criado por jonathangough em 10-04-2014.
Mapa Mental por jonathangough, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por jonathangough quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

The Weimar Republic
  1. Democracy
    1. President
      1. The chancellor
        1. The Reichstag
        2. The people
          1. Article 48 allowed for bypass of reaichstag
        3. The Treaty of Versailles
          1. War Guiltt
            1. Solely responsible
            2. Reparations
              1. 'Compensation' of £6.6billion
              2. Military restrictions
                1. Air Force disbanded
                  1. Army limited to 100,000 men
                    1. Navy restricted
                      1. 15,000 men
                        1. 6 battleships
                          1. No submarines
                        2. Teritorial loss
                          1. 13% of land shown on maps
                            1. Polish corridor
                              1. Alsace Lorraine
                              2. Colonies lost
                            2. Political spectrum
                              1. Centre party
                                1. Democracy
                                2. Social democrats
                                  1. Rights for working class
                                  2. Communists
                                    1. Wanted revolution like in Russia
                                      1. Far Left
                                    2. Conservatives and nationalists
                                      1. Restoration of Kaiser
                                      2. Freikorps and Nazi party
                                        1. German power
                                          1. Far Right
                                      3. Early threats
                                        1. The Spartacist Rising-1919
                                          1. Far left revolutionaries
                                            1. Inspired by events in Russia
                                              1. Rosa Luxemburg
                                              2. Defeated
                                                1. Army and Freikorps
                                                  1. Suppressed uprising formidably and brutally
                                                  2. Not a serious threat
                                                    1. Unorganised
                                                      1. No training
                                                  3. The Kapp Putsch-1920
                                                    1. Far right
                                                      1. Freikorps
                                                        1. Pressured to disband
                                                          1. Led by Wolfgang Kapp
                                                          2. Get rid of treaty of Versailles
                                                          3. Defeated
                                                            1. Government called on a workers strike
                                                              1. Industry ground to a hault
                                                                1. Passive as military wouldn't fight former members
                                                              2. Serious threat
                                                                1. Powerless to stop without peoples support
                                                          4. 3 crisis of 1923
                                                            1. Occupation of the Ruhr
                                                              1. French soldiers ensuring reparations
                                                                1. Passive resistance implemented but not successful
                                                                  1. Called off, industry resumed
                                                              2. Munich putsch
                                                                1. The Nazi party
                                                                  1. Led by Hitler
                                                                    1. Support of WW1 General Ludendorf
                                                                    2. Poor execution
                                                                      1. Police contacted
                                                                        1. Easily suppressed
                                                                          1. Leaders arrested and given public trial
                                                                            1. Hitler able to gain public support
                                                                              1. Lenient sentence
                                                                                1. Mein Kampf
                                                                      2. Hyperinflation
                                                                        1. Reparations payed by printing more money
                                                                          1. Devalues all existing currency
                                                                            1. Fixed wages suffered
                                                                              1. Starvation
                                                                                1. Poverty
                                                                                2. Variable wages coped
                                                                                  1. People in debt able to pay
                                                                                3. Workers on strike also payed
                                                                                4. Dealt with
                                                                                  1. Streseman
                                                                                    1. Ended passive resistance
                                                                                      1. Introduction of new currency
                                                                                        1. Rentenmark
                                                                                          1. Supply monitored
                                                                                            1. Higher value


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