

A level Biology Mapa Mental sobre Atherosclerosis, criado por Lauren Garner em 28-01-2017.
Lauren Garner
Mapa Mental por Lauren Garner, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Lauren Garner
Criado por Lauren Garner aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. Def: Disease process that leads to CHD and strokes (CVDs). Fatty deposits (atheroma) can block arteries directly or increase possibility of blot clot formation (thrombosis)
      1. 1) Damage to endothelial lining (artery lining)
        1. Through smoking, high blood pressure etc
          1. 2) Inflammatory response. White blood cells move into the artery wall
            1. 3) Cholesterol build up, leading to atheroma formation
              1. 4) Build-up of calcium salts and fibres, leading to plaque formation
                1. 5) Leads to narrowing of artery and loss of elasticity - hardening of arteries
                  1. 6) Narrowing of artery leads to increased blood pressure, so the cycle is never ending
                2. An atheroma is a fatty deposit
                  1. HEALTH EFFECTS OF AN ATHEROMA
                    1. Increased blood pressure - causes damage to kidneys and retina, and could cause strokes
                      1. Stroke - an interruption to blood supply of brain, potentially causing paralysis or death
                      2. Aneurysm - increased blood pressure (due to blockage) could lead to bursting of an artery and internal bleeding
                        1. Angina - chest pain felt during excerise, caused by reduced blood flow to heart due to narrowing of coronary arteries
                          1. If a coronary artery becomes totally blocked (by a clot) heart can be starved of oxygen and die
                  2. Increased risk of blood clotting in artery


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