Online services refers to any information and services
provided over the internet. You can communicate over the
internet sites with other users. unlimited access to
information is provided.
Examples ; Ordering take-away food,
Finding train timetables, Looking to
find long-lost family members
Industries that provide online services; Retail, Financial
services, Education and training, News and information,
Booking systems, Entertainment and leisure.
RETAIL - We can purchase almost anything we want
over the internet, this gives us thew ability to shop
where and when we would like.
This could cause problems with the payment, people may
be taking your credit card details to use for personal use,
this could also develop in people paying for goods but not
recieving them.
FINANCIAL SERVICES - These sites provide advice and services
about mortgages, investments, banking, debts, and loans. The
UK's financial services are regulates by the FCA (Financial Conduct
Authority) and PRA (Prudential Regulation Authority).
Not all of the online services have been agreed by the regulators,
some aren't authentic or reliable.
EDUCATION AND TRAINING - You can search for courses, career guidance.
The way in which we are taught and study has now been influenced by
online services.
NEWS AND INFORMATION - We are bombarded online with more
information everyday than the equivalent content of 200
newspapers everyday.