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Components of the CPU
AS level Computing Mapa Mental sobre Components of the CPU, criado por Brandon Davies em 30-01-2017.
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as level
Mapa Mental por
Brandon Davies
, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por
Brandon Davies
aproximadamente 8 anos atrás
Resumo de Recurso
Components of the CPU
Arithmetic Logic Unit
thinks what to do with the data, can carry out a plethora of tasks it is the calculator of the CPU
Memory Address Register
holds where data has been read or wrote in the RAM
Data Bus
group of electrical wires which send data to and from the RAM
Stores Data for a bit, while the ALU is being fixed for what it needs
Program Counter
it is the part of the CPU that keeps track of where you are in the program.
Also holds the next address
Address bus
sends address to the RAM of the Computer, to be read or written from
Control Bus
Sends info to RAM whether data is to be read or written
Memory Data Register
holds the data that is being moved from RAM or being sent to RAM
Clock Speed
speed at which tasks are done
measured in hertz (Hz) cycles per second
Current Instruction Register
holds the current instruction when it has been retrieved from RAM
Harvard Architecture
allows one cycle to go through two lots of memory, this means it is faster and more efficient.
Von Neumann Architecture
holds both instructions and data. it has to send them separately round the CPU
determines how many tasks can be completed
Example: quad core 3GHz processor can do 4 x 3 billion tasks per second
Control Unit
Controls the flow of the CPU, tells it if it is writing or if it is reading data.
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