Communist victory - 1918 Civil War


History (1881 - 24) Mapa Mental sobre Communist victory - 1918 Civil War, criado por charlotte151996 em 07-05-2013.
Mapa Mental por charlotte151996, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por charlotte151996 mais de 11 anos atrás

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Communist victory - 1918 Civil War
  1. Disunity of opposition
    1. Communists had a strong central leadership under Lenin.
      1. Vision and determination to lead the Gov. through crisis.
        1. United and well organised.
        2. Anti-Communist forces
          1. Lacked clear strategy or central direction.
            1. White forces fought for different reasons.
              1. Tsarism/ PG
                1. Lack of unity made it difficult to win support.
              2. Fought among themselves.
                1. Green Army - political and economic control in hands of peasants.
              3. Geographic & Organisation
                1. Communists dominated the heartland of Russia.
                  1. Produce more munitions than white army (relied of foreign support).
                    1. Use railways to distribute munitions and quickly send troops.
                      1. Communicate effectively due to continuous territory.
                      2. White were geographically disperse.
                        1. Reds were efficient and well coordinated.
                          1. Maximise production of weapons - war communism.
                            1. Controlled economic activity.
                              1. Grain requisitioning - taking grain from peasants by force (unpopular by peasants but important for war effort).
                            2. Terror
                              1. Lenin established the Cheka - political police force engaged in terror tactics against enemies.
                                1. Terror tactis used against anyone who resisted the communists in any way.
                                  1. eg: many civilians and would-be opponents were offered choice of joining red army or execution.
                                  2. eg: peasants who tried to resist grain requisitioning were executed and villages hiding political opponents burned.
                                  3. Trotsky and Red Army
                                    1. 1918 - Trotsky founded Red Army.
                                      1. End of civil war - 5 million (many conscripted).
                                      2. Communists lacked members with high level military experience.
                                        1. Introduce policy of recruiting former officers of the Tsarist army to fight for the communists.
                                          1. Ensure loyalty = held families hostage.
                                          2. Political officers to all red army units to ensure they complied to Trotskys orders
                                          3. Trotsky toured every Front - stirring speeches.
                                            1. Ensured Red Army fought effectively.


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