8. 20th Century Medicine


Facts about 20th century Medicine and Basic facts about Alexander Fleming, Florey and Chain, William Beveridge, Aneurin Bevan and Ehrlich. Comment below If this helps you :)
Evangeline Taylor
Mapa Mental por Evangeline Taylor, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Evangeline Taylor
Criado por Evangeline Taylor quase 11 anos atrás

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8. 20th Century Medicine
  1. Who treated illness?
    1. Doctors
      1. Surgeons
        1. Hospital
          1. NHS
          2. What did they think caused diseases?
            1. Germs
              1. Hygiene problem
              2. Treatment/Prevention
                1. Vaccinations
                  1. Aseptic surgery
                    1. X-Rays
                      1. Blood Transfusion
                        1. New drugs - Antibodies
                        2. Key ideas
                          1. Antibodies to treat infections
                            1. Other new drugs to target disease
                              1. World War One
                                1. Experiment on new techniques on wounded
                                  1. X-Ray used frequently to locate bullets/sharapnel
                                    1. Blood transfusions were used effectively
                                      1. Homes for heroes
                                        1. Good housing for when they return
                                      2. World War Two
                                        1. Blood transfusions improved
                                          1. Rationing improved diets
                                            1. Penicillin was developed
                                              1. Introduction of NHS
                                              2. The NHS
                                                1. 1911 National Insurance Scheme introduce for those that worked
                                                  1. The Beveridge Report by William Beveridge Suggest FREE healthcare service
                                                    1. 1930s people struggled to pay
                                                      1. 1946 NHS introduce providing FREE healthcare for everyone
                                                        1. Aneurin Bevan (Health Minister) introduce the NHS
                                                      2. Example of change
                                                        1. New drugs:
                                                          1. Penicillin
                                                            1. Magic Bullet
                                                            2. X-Ray and Blood transfusions
                                                              1. Free Healthcare (NHS)
                                                                1. Better Understanding of what causes disease
                                                                  1. Contraception
                                                                    1. Women Doctors and surgeons
                                                                    2. Example of continuity
                                                                      1. Antiseptic and anaesthetics
                                                                      2. Key figures
                                                                        1. Alexander Fleming
                                                                          1. Penicillin was the first antibiotic
                                                                            1. Discovered Penicillin by chance/accident
                                                                            2. Florey and Chain
                                                                              1. The drug was used to save lives in WW2
                                                                                1. Couldn’t grow enough to test until 1941
                                                                                  1. Develop Penicillin during WW2
                                                                                    1. British and American government gave money to develop the drug
                                                                                    2. William Beveridge
                                                                                      1. Published the Beveridge report in 1942
                                                                                        1. Highlighting poor condition that people were living in
                                                                                          1. Published the Beveridge report in 1942
                                                                                          2. Aneurin Bevan
                                                                                            1. A Labour Health Minister
                                                                                              1. Some doctors opposed the NHS to start with as they lost money from private patients
                                                                                                1. Didn’t like being told what to
                                                                                                2. Introduce NHS (1946) due to the Beveridge report
                                                                                                3. Ehrlich
                                                                                                  1. Found a magic bullet – Salvarson 606 to treat syphilis
                                                                                                    1. The magic bullet is a chemical that kill the disease without harming the patient
                                                                                                      1. This was a new cure to treat people with


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