Soviet motives for, and moves towards, Peaceful Coexistence
A-Levels Cold War (Post-Stalin Thaw) Mapa Mental sobre Soviet motives for, and moves towards, Peaceful Coexistence, criado por jacksearle em 15-04-2014.
Soviet motives for, and moves towards,
Peaceful Coexistence
Peaceful Coexistence
Shortly after Stalin death, Beria tried to forge better relationship
with West by proposing reunified, neutral Germany.
His initiative was ruined in June 53 by Soviet
repression of anti comm protests in East Germany
2 months later, Malenkov called for a 'new course' in foreign
policy, which focused on peaceful coexistence with the West
Malenkov not convinced that a capitalist-communist war was inevitable
Consequently, USSR could devote resources to living
standards and developing consumer industries
K initially opposed the new course, but once Malenkov had been
removed, adopted it under the name of 'Peaceful Coexistence'
Summary - Peaceful Coexistence was a Soviet doctrine that was put forward in the
1950s - that argued peaceful relations with the West were possible
Georgi Malenkov 1902-1988
Succeeded Stalin as party PM in 1953
forced by other members of collective
leadership to hand over party post to K
1953-54 M tried to ease tensions with West and
boost Soviet consumer industries
Was easily outmanoeuvred by K, losing the premiership
in 55 and his seat on the Politburo in 1957
with his political career over - Malenkov was sent to
Kazakhstan to manage a hydroelectric plant
Why did the USSR pursue Peaceful Coexistence?
Stalin's death and the emergence of a
more progressive Soviet leadership are 2
key reasons
Soviet leadership believing in the inevitable triumph
of communism
As Marxists, the Soviet politburo genuinely believed
that communism would inevitably triumph over
Sooner or later, the West would be overwhelmed by
an economic slump - but until then the USSR could
bide its time and avoid any damaging conflicts
K summed up this position by saying "Peaceful Coexistence
between difference systems of government is possible, but
peaceful coexistence between different ideologies is not"
K confident that USSR's economic output would
soon overtake West
1956 - claimed that, since 1929, Soviet industrial production had
risen by 1.95% - Corresponding figure for USA was 1.34%
K also favoured P.C due to what he called 'the
disintegration of the imperialist colonial system'
In his view - newly decolonised states and
national liberation movements would reject the
imperialist West and look to USSR for support
Consolidation of Influence
By end of 40s, both sides had consolidated
their respective spheres of interest in Europe
Each also tacitly recognised the other's area of influence
This gave the superpowers a greater sense of
security - made them more willing to negotiated
Implications of the arms race
Economic and military implications of the
nuclear arms race, which gathered pace in
40s, provided another reason for P.C
Cost and sheer destructive power of nuclear weapons
had sobering effect on superpowers
As K said 'There are only two ways - either
peaceful coexistence or the most destructive
war in history. There is no third way'
Key Measures of Soviet Peaceful
End of Korean War July 1953
After Stalin's death - new leadership moved
rapidly to bringing fighting in Korea to an end
Change of policy abandoned Stalin's hardline
approach of 1952 of continuing the conflict
decision influenced by Soviet concerns of the
economic impact of prolonging the war
Represented clear sign that new govt wanted to
manage affairs in a different way to Stalin
As Malenkov put it 'there is no dispute or outstanding
issue, which cannot be settled peacefully'
Armistice was negotiated along 38th parallel in July 53
Cuts in the Red Army (from
mid 1950s)
K reduced conventional forces partly to convince
the West of his peaceful intentions
2nd half of 50s, size of Red Army decreased
from 5.8mil to 3.7mil men
Further cuts of 33% were announced in early 60s
K also did it to save on military costs - was convinced nuclear
weapons afforded USSR much better protection
Austrian State Treaty 1955
Like Germany, Austria had been placed under
joint occupation by the big 4 in 1945
Subsequent talks between the big 4 failed
to settle Austria's future
USSR extracted resources from their Austrian zone and USA
secretly rearmed their zone and supported it with Marshall Aid
After overcoming Malenkov's resistance in 54- K was ready to
accept a neutral rather than divided Austria
Hoped west would see this as proof of his
willingness to negotiate on key issues
Result was Austrian state treaty of 1955
Agreement signed by big 4 - removed all foreign
troops and guaranteed Austrian independence and
treaty paved way for Geneva summit of 55 and marked
first occasion since 45 that Soviet troops had willingly left
any part of Europe
Soviet withdrawal from Finland 1956
Finnish Soviet treaty 1947 - formally ended conflict which had
taken place during WW2
Under its terms - Finland handed over border
territory and $300million in reparations to USSR
USSR also given 50 year lease to the Porkkala
peninsula where it kept a naval base
K decided to remove Soviet influence from
Porkkala - was handed back in 1956
K wanted West to see this as further evidence that
USSR wanted a more constructive relationship
however, Porkkala did have little strategic value and
Finland pledged to remain neutral and outside NATO
Other Soviet Initiatives
1953 - settled border disputes with Turkey and Iran -
reestablished relations with Greece - formally
recognised Israel
1955 - recognised West Germany and restored
relations with Tito's Yugoslavia