Curso Ingles II Claudia Andrea Serna Bermón Grupo 274


Entornos Curso Ingles
Claudia Andrea Serna
Mapa Mental por Claudia Andrea Serna, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Claudia Andrea Serna
Criado por Claudia Andrea Serna mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Curso Ingles II Claudia Andrea Serna Bermón Grupo 274
  1. Starting information:
    1. Course Agenda, course news, information course general
    2. Knowledge environment
      1. document Link, Content of the units 1 and 2, course syllabus
      2. Collaborative learning
        1. This Interaction with the group, during the development of Activities, progress of works
        2. Practice learning
          1. In this there is activities, which help to strengthen and Practice in viewed contents
          2. Monitoring and evaluation
            1. In this environment they are made the deliveries of the works end, there is a link to each of the activities
            2. Student´s Management
              1. Links of the Unad help to strengthen and get information general


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