Authentic CLIL Materials


CLIL Materials
Patricia Arce
Mapa Mental por Patricia Arce, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Patricia Arce
Criado por Patricia Arce mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Authentic CLIL Materials
  1. Why?
    1. To address the language and content objectives we have to achieve.
      1. To attend specific needs we may have
        1. To teach students to learn language as a medium, within the full implications of an authentic context.
          1. To exploit the enourmous and heterogenous resources we have at hand.
          2. What?
            1. Internet materials
              1. Realia
                1. Real life Objects
                  1. Audio
                  2. Textbooks for native students
                    1. Non-pedagogical published materials
                      1. Books
                        1. Posters
                          1. Other Resources
                        2. Potential Drawbacks
                          1. CLIL class might be material driven
                            1. Producing material-centred classes
                            2. Overwhelming amount of materials
                              1. Teachers might feel lost
                                1. Not knowing how to use them properly
                                2. Using them with no control
                                  1. Not as part of the teaching programme
                                    1. Be careful with an etnographic approach when using materials
                                    2. Heavy work load for the teacher
                                      1. Too much work, too little time
                                    3. General Recommendations
                                      1. Adapt materials to your students not the students to your materials
                                        1. Make them “work” for you (and your teaching situation)
                                          1. Use what you already know (CLIL teaching is not so different)
                                            1. Insert them within your teaching programme
                                            2. Good for Students
                                              1. There is plenty to choose from
                                                1. You can share the materials
                                                  1. With other teachers
                                                    1. Organise resource centres
                                                    2. Students can help!
                                                      1. Bringing their own materials
                                                        1. Publishing and sharing
                                                          1. Working collaboratively


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