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Brain Storm
Mapa Mental sobre Brain Storm, criado por Uriel Robledo Mercado em 21-02-2017.
Sem etiquetas
Mapa Mental por
Uriel Robledo Mercado
, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por
Uriel Robledo Mercado
quase 8 anos atrás
Resumo de Recurso
Brain Storm
App for searching plants
App for searching dogs
Ceiling lamps that you can pull
Chair that you can keep in your bag
Box to keep pills in your clock
Wifi on trees
Blinds that automatically go down at night
A phone that you can assemble
A website where you pay a monthly subscription and you can play any video game you want
App for diet
App for fridge
Popcorn bowl with split for sauce
Restaurant of mexican food in foreign countries
A “green” grill
Daily life
Car wash app
Public hammocks
App for exercise
Soap wrapped in lamb's wool
Ballet parking
“Uber” for extreme sports
An app for reserve at nearby hotels
An app to reserve for you to wash the car
An app you say there is a discounts
App for finding people in school by schedule
“Uber” for bars
Website where you can rate the fiability of a website of news.
Post-it erasable
A notebook for reuse
Electronic book separator
A marker for texts where send the underline to your cell phone
Wifi shoes
A full body umbrella
Slippers with a little lamp
Shoes that fit alone
An app that tells you different forms of dress with what you have in your closet
Website where you can find how to tie a necktie
Website where it help you to combine the suits with the shirts and ties
An app where you can upload an outfit you like and somebody can make it for you
sofa / bookshelf
Trash can that can grind the trash
Bookshelf that can hide on the wall
Device that can let you hide cables
A hatchery of bees and honey on the terraces
“Uber” for extreme sports
Website which it tell you exercises without the need to go to a gym
Website where you can find all the results of all the sports you like.
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