Factors that caused Venice to rise


Mapa Mental sobre Factors that caused Venice to rise, criado por Charis Oh em 25-04-2014.
Charis Oh
Mapa Mental por Charis Oh, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Charis Oh
Criado por Charis Oh mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Factors that caused Venice to rise
  1. Reforms the government
    1. Adapted their system of government to meet demand
    2. Leaderships
      1. Doge Pietrol II ordeolo
        1. Establishing control In the Adriatic sea
          1. Capable leader
            1. Felt a need for peace in order to boost trade
              1. Feuding cities
                1. Negotiated treaties with major powers
                  1. Subdue the pirates
                2. Doge Enrico Dandolo
                  1. Building the netian empire
                    1. Directed the Forth crusade (military campaign to free jerusalem from muslim control
                      1. Overthrown the Byzantine emperor and over took the captol
                      2. Doge pietro ziani
                        1. Succeeded Doge Enrico Dandolo
                          1. Marks the beginning of Venice's growth as a maritime empire
                            1. Increase trade competition


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