Medical Ethics


Mapa Mental sobre Medical Ethics, criado por Abby Gough em 28-02-2017.
Abby Gough
Mapa Mental por Abby Gough, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Abby Gough
Criado por Abby Gough quase 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Medical Ethics
  1. Abortion
    1. Roman Catholics
      1. Pro life: Against abortion
        1. Should only be allowed in ectopic pregnancy
          1. Life begins at conception: "Do not murder"
            1. "You knit me together in my mothers womb"
              1. A foetus has the right to life.
                1. Adoption is a better option
              2. Church of England
                1. Pro choice: Abortion is sometimes acceptable.
                  1. Mothers choice.
                    1. Ageape'
                      1. "Treat others as you would like to be treated"
                        1. Prevents 'backstreet' abortion
                  2. Fertility Treatment
                    1. IVF (In-Vitro Fertilisation)
                      1. Sperm and egg put together in a tube
                        1. More than one embryo is created so some are destroyed.
                          1. Embryo placed in mothers womb.
                            1. AID (Artificial insemination of Donor)
                              1. Anonoymous donor of sperm or egg.
                              2. AIH (Artificial insemination of Husband)
                                1. Husbands sperm is inserted into the woman
                                2. Surrogacy
                                  1. An egg is fertalised and placed in another womans womb
                                3. Cloning
                                  1. Reprodutive
                                    1. Therapeutic
                                      1. Roman Catholic
                                        1. Reproductive Unnatural
                                          1. Therapeutic is immoral
                                          2. Church of England
                                            1. Therapeutic is OK because it can help humans.
                                              1. Reproductive is unnatural


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