energy use


talk about energy use
kathalina leon
Mapa Mental por kathalina leon, atualizado more than 1 year ago
kathalina leon
Criado por kathalina leon mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

energy use
  1. if we turn efficient energy
    1. we will be able to produce more with less energy
      1. we will be able to produce the same but with electrical renewable powers
      2. If we continue wasting the energy currently


        • if we
        1. we won't have enought water in the furure
          1. Because if the natural resources depleted
            1. we won't have from where to produce the energy
        2. if currently the population and the Consumption increase at high speed
          1. it will generate saturation in the distribution lines and risks of electrical shortage
            1. if we don't rationalize the hydroelectric power which supplies the most of the cities
              1. we will have to live the same colombian crisis of 1992
          2. if we don't use different kinds of energy contrary to traditional, like: coal, hydroelectric power, biomass and refuse, oil, natural gas and nuclear power
            1. we will continue increase the pollution
              1. we will have to use masks for breathe
                1. we will able to get illnesses form the air
                2. if we save energy from house
                  1. we will be able to stop the global warming
                    1. we will be able to stop the waste of water and energy which produce drought in reservoirs
                    2. if we make an adequate maintenance of vehicles
                      1. we will be able to reduce the pollution
                        1. we will be able to stop the greenhouse effect producing lower quantityof gases


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