The Nervous System


GCSE Triple Biology (The Nervous System) Mapa Mental sobre The Nervous System, criado por Scott Church em 09-05-2013.
Scott Church
Mapa Mental por Scott Church, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Scott Church
Criado por Scott Church mais de 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

The Nervous System
  1. Sense
    1. Sight
      1. Smell
        1. Hearing
          1. Touch
            1. Taste
    2. Stimulus
      1. Light
        1. Chemicals in air
          1. Vibration of air particles
            1. Heat & Pressure
              1. Chemicals in food
      2. Preceptor
        1. Eye
          1. Nose
            1. Ear
              1. Skin
                1. Tongue
        2. Conscious action:We must think about it, involves the brain (Picking up a £20 note on the floor)
          1. Reflex action: doesn't involve brain, only uses central nervous system (Moving hand if touched a hot plate)
            1. Rapid
              1. Automatic
                1. Protective
                2. Neurone-The pathway an impulse follows 'the nerves'
                  1. Receptor- What you are responding to the stimulas
                    1. Stimulas-What you are responding to
                      1. Response-The action you do
                        1. Effector-What brings about the response
                          1. Synapse-The gap between neurones
                  2. Stimulas (Stimulates) > Receptor (Sensory Neurone)(Electrical impulses) > Central Nervous System (Relay Neurone)(Neurotransmitter (gas) produced and diffuses across synapse)(Only important) > (Motor Neurone) Effector > Response
                    1. E.g Iris dilating/Contracting: Stimulus (Light) > Receptor (Eye) > Co-Ordinator (CNS) > Effector (Muscles in the iris) > Response (Iris dilating)
                    2. Eye: Cornea - Clear layer to protect inside of the eye
                      1. Lens - Focuses light onto the retina
                        1. Retina - Detects the light
                          1. Optic nerve - Connection from eye to brain
                            1. Sclera - Protects inside of the eye (white)
                              1. Iris - The muscles that control the site of the pupil to let more or less light in
                                1. Pupil - Entrance to the eye for light. Size is determined by the iris
                      2. CNS VS. NS
                        1. CNS
                          1. CNS & NS
                            1. Spinal Cord
                              1. Neurones
                            2. NS
                              1. Brain


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