Environmental NGO Influence in International Climate Negotiations


Mapa Mental sobre Environmental NGO Influence in International Climate Negotiations, criado por Jessica López em 08-03-2017.
Jessica López
Mapa Mental por Jessica López, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jessica López
Criado por Jessica López quase 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Environmental NGO Influence in International Climate Negotiations
  1. Conceptual Approaches to determine NGO impact
    1. Transnational Advocacy Networks
      1. Mico & Macro-demands of NGO's
        1. Friends with the government
          1. Foes with the government
          2. Interdependence between the National and International Levels
            1. Treaties
              1. International Norms encouraged via transnational advocacy networks
                1. Markets
                  1. Direct routes of influence
                  2. Time Lag of influence
                    1. Recurring negotiation cycles
                    2. Activist Strategies (Protests& demonstrations)
                      1. Information Politics
                        1. Symbolic politics
                          1. Leverage politics
                            1. Accountability politics
                            2. Lobbyist Strategies
                              1. Key Prerequisites
                                1. Access to the government representatives
                                  1. Domestic level
                                    1. International level
                                    2. Resources (information & knowledge)
                                      1. Engaging in activities
                                        1. Working with negotiators
                                          1. Providing advice
                                            1. Communicating demands
                                            2. Government representatives receive their communications
                                        2. Hypothesis
                                          1. Influence is higher when NGOs provide input early in the negotiations before governments decide on their negotiation positions. Medium-term influence can still occur in subsequent negotiation rounds.
                                            1. Large-scale public pressure via demonstrations and high medi coverage influencesnegotiationstoward a negotiation outcome
                                              1. Lobbyists need to form close networks to government representatives and are more likely to be influential as friends offering capacity-building support.


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