2: Peripheral Vision Is Used More Than Central Vision to Get the Gist of What You See


Mapa Mental sobre 2: Peripheral Vision Is Used More Than Central Vision to Get the Gist of What You See, criado por Amber Smith-Waters em 09-03-2017.
Amber Smith-Waters
Mapa Mental por Amber Smith-Waters, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Amber Smith-Waters
Criado por Amber Smith-Waters mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

2: Peripheral Vision Is Used More Than Central Vision to Get the Gist of What You See
  1. We have two types of vision, which are: central and peripheral.
    1. Peripheral vision includes the surrounding areas and waht you are not looking at directly.
      1. Central vision is pretty self-explanatory. It is what it sounds like. It focuses on what you are actually looking at directly and also focuses on details.


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