Narrative Theory - Levi-Strauss


Mapa Mental sobre Narrative Theory - Levi-Strauss, criado por orlaghemmett em 10-05-2013.
Mapa Mental por orlaghemmett, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por orlaghemmett mais de 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Narrative Theory - Levi-Strauss
  1. Looks at narrative theory in terms of binary oppositions
    1. Binary oppositions are sets of opposite values which reveal the structure of media texts
      1. An example would be 'Good' and 'Evil'
        1. e.g. Horror films
        2. Not so interested in looking at the order in which events were arranged in the plot
          1. Instead he looked for deeper arrangements of themes
          2. Police Vs Criminal
            1. e.g. News, Crime & Gangster and Police TV Dramas
            2. Hero Vs Villian
              1. e.g. Action films
              2. Relationships Vs Loneliness
                1. e.g. Romance TV and film, Pop Music Videos
                2. Wealthy Vs Poverty
                  1. Game/quiz show with cash prizes and rap music videos
                  2. Another way of looking at narratives is by looking for a 'structure in the way in which the narrative unfolds'
                    1. structure can be something quite basic


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