Assessing writing.


Mapa conceptual - assessing writting acording to Brown
Luis Ruiz Figueroa
Mapa Mental por Luis Ruiz Figueroa, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Luis Ruiz Figueroa
Criado por Luis Ruiz Figueroa quase 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Assessing writing.
  1. Genres of writing.
    1. Academic writing
      1. Papers, essays,technical reports, compositions, etc.
      2. Job-related writing.
        1. Messages, letters, memos, reports, manuals, etc.
        2. Personal writing
          1. Emails, messages, notes, calendar,formsm diaries, journals, etc.
        3. Types of writing performance
          1. Imitative
            1. This includes the ability to spell correctly and to perceive phoneme- graphemecorrespondence in English.
            2. Intensive
              1. To produce appropiate vocabulary within a context, collocations and idoms and correct gramatical features up to the length of a sentence.
              2. Responsie
                1. The writer has mastered the fundmentals of sentence grammar and is more focused ond the discourse conventions that will achieve.
                2. Extensive
                  1. It implies successful management of all the processes and strategies of writing for all purposes.
                3. Skills
                  1. Microskills
                    1. They apply more appropriately to imitative and intensive types of writing tasks.
                    2. Macroskills
                      1. They are focused on the mastery of responsive and extensive writing.


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