New World African Cultures


African Studies Mapa Mental sobre New World African Cultures, criado por Hailey Moffett em 22-03-2017.
Hailey Moffett
Mapa Mental por Hailey Moffett, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Hailey Moffett
Criado por Hailey Moffett mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

New World African Cultures
  1. Brazil
    1. Candomble
    2. Haiti
      1. Voodoo
        1. Major influences
          1. Fon
            1. Yoruba
              1. Igbo
                1. Congolese
                  1. Catholicism (French)
                2. Terms
                  1. Poteau Mitan
                    1. "Tree of life"
                    2. Mambo
                      1. Female Voodoo Priest
                      2. Houngan
                        1. Male Voodoo Priest
                        2. Loa
                          1. God's and Goddesses
                          2. Damballah
                            1. "Serpent" fertility God
                        3. Cuba
                          1. Santeria
                          2. USA
                            1. African-American
                              1. Ring Shout
                                1. Africanized ritual performed to "get the Holy Ghost"
                                2. Spirituals
                                  1. New sacred music
                                    1. "My Name is Written on David's Line"
                                    2. Folk Seculars
                                      1. New secular music
                                        1. "Juba this, Juba that, Juba killed the yellow cat"
                                          1. Song sung in front of "Master" about killing them. Slave owners did not understand what they were saying in the song.


                                    Ancient Africa
                                    Summer Atencio
                                    Phrasal Verbs
                                    Alessandra S.
                                    Direito Penal - Parte Geral
                                    Mafalda de Quino
                                    Introdução ao Microsoft Word
                                    Roberto Becker
                                    Modelos Atômicos
                                    Caio Carboni
                                    Avaliação de Alunos
                                    Alessandra S.
                                    Geologia 10º Ano
                                    Maria Ferreira
                                    Célula Animal X Célula Vegetal
                                    Marília Mendes
                                    Revolução Russa
                                    Daniel Lima
                                    Escala de Coma de Glasgow
                                    Vanessa Palauro
                                    Romário Santos