Where do ideas come from


Where do great ideas come from
Angelo Jimenez
Mapa Mental por Angelo Jimenez, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Angelo Jimenez
Criado por Angelo Jimenez mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Where do ideas come from
  1. The 10/10 rule
    1. 1920 first AM station
      1. Mid 80s VCR
        1. 2016 DVD
          1. Cell phones, computers, GPS
        2. 1969 Sony first videocassete recorder
          1. Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed karim
            1. 10 million dollars, 12 workers, they launched YouTube
            2. Share 30 million videos a day
              1. HDTV
                1. more Pixels
                2. 1990 Windows 3.0
                  1. Darwin's Coral reeef
                    1. Cities of the sea
                      1. Innovation
                        1. Life gets creative
                    2. Web
                      1. Creative
                        1. Innovative
                      2. Nature
                        1. Ecosystems
                          1. cells
                            1. brains
                              1. Species
                                1. Global evolution
                        2. Culture
                          1. ideas
                            1. workspaces
                              1. Organizations
                                1. Settlements


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