Curb...Carve...Curve...And All The Vowels In Between


Mapa Mental sobre Curb...Carve...Curve...And All The Vowels In Between, criado por Tasheka Smith em 30-03-2017.
Tasheka Smith
Mapa Mental por Tasheka Smith, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Tasheka Smith
Criado por Tasheka Smith mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Curb...Carve...Curve...And All The Vowels In Between
  1. Content
    1. Member's Responsibility
      1. Laura - Conducted initial and final interview; translated for the subject and group members; created instructional materials. Maggie - created instructional material for teaching sessions. Tasheka - created instructional materials for teaching sessions. Every group member assisted with the oral presentation and written presentation.
      2. Setting and Participants
        1. The initial and final interviews, as well as the teaching sessions, were all conducted after school a Helena Elementary in Laura's first grade classroom. We all sat around the teacher's table to complete the sessions. It was a very relaxed and inviting atmosphere.
          1. Although our group's information will focus on Melania, we worked with another participant during the teaching sessions. Melania is Hispanic, and a native Spanish speaker.  She is the mother of two English language learners at the public school where Laura teaches.
          2. Procedure for initial and final assessment
            1. Laura met with Melania after school to interview her and record her reading.  Melania read from the Dr. Seuss book, One Fish Two Fish, Red Fish Blue Fish.  After the initial interview and reading, we worked with Melania using different strategies. Laura then met with Melania and recorded her post-assessment reading and interview.  We worked to transcribe her readings to compare to her initial reading and interview.
              1. To collect the final assessment, Laura met with Melania after school again.  They completed an interview as well as a rereading of the Dr. Seuss book, One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish.  In the interview Melania stated that she enjoyed these exercises and she felt that it helped her.  She also expressed that what is difficult for her, is that there are “no rules” meaning there are multiple rules for pronouncing words
              2. Design/Implementation of Lessons
                1. Strategies Implemented: muscle warm-Up, mouth position practice with hand mirrors, vowel and consonant bingo, minimal pairs, word sort, sentence strips, dialogue sentences, detecting vibrations by hand placement on head and neck
                2. Presented Outcomes
                  1. After listening to the initial interview, we noted that Melania had difficulties with /y/; /j/; /ᶿ/; /ᶾ/; /ᶺ/; /ᶞ/; /b/; /v/ sounds. We decided to focus our lessons around strategies that would help her to hear and pronounce these sounds.
                  2. Conclusion and Implications
                    1. In conducting this project, we found that being able to work one on one with this English Language was very effective.  To some degree, adult language learners are given a disservice in that they don’t always have the opportunity to work on speaking skills as often as our students are, and many times even those students are not adequately given the time and skills needed to improve their language skills.
                  3. Instructional Strategies
                    1. Minimal Pairs; Consonant and Vowel Bingo; Practice with mirrors; Picture/Word Sort, Sentence Strips; Muscle Warm-Up
                    2. Analysis of Speech Sample
                      1. Initial Recording
                        1. Melania’s reading from the book, One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue, and on page 7 it reads “very, very bad”, but the sound heard was “berry, berry bad”.  She was also pronouncing “thin”as “tin”. Melania often pronounced “your” as “jur”, both in the interview and reading and “yellow” as “jello”.
                        2. Final Recording
                          1. In the interview Melania stated that she enjoyed these exercises and she felt that it helped her.  She also expressed that what is difficult for her, is that there are “no rules” meaning there are multiple rules for pronouncing words.
                          2. Comparison of Initial and Final Recording


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