

Mapa Mental sobre Neuroanatomy, criado por demim93 em 07-05-2014.
Mapa Mental por demim93, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por demim93 quase 11 anos atrás
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Resumo de Recurso

  1. The Hindbrain.
    1. Metencephalon
      1. Cerebellum
        1. Cerebellar Cortex
          1. Deep Cerebellar Nuclei
          2. Pons
            1. Reticular Formation
          3. Myelencephalon
            1. Medulla Oblongata
              1. Reticular Formation
            2. Surrounds the 4th ventricle.
            3. The Midbrain.
              1. Surrounds cerebral aqueduct.
                1. Tectum
                  1. Superior Colliculi
                    1. Inferior Colliculi
                    2. Tegmentum
                      1. Preaqueductal Gray Matter
                        1. Red Nucleus
                          1. Substantia Nigra
                            1. Reticular Formation
                          2. The Forebrain.
                            1. Telencephalon
                              1. Cerebral Cortex
                                1. Frontal Lobe
                                  1. Motor Control & Planning
                                    1. Language
                                      1. Decision Making
                                        1. Response Inhibition
                                          1. Executive Control
                                          2. Parietal Lobe
                                            1. Somatosensory Processing (e.g. touch, warmth, cold, pain, body position information etc.)
                                              1. Spatial Processing.
                                                1. Visual Association Areas.
                                                  1. Attention.
                                                  2. Temporal Lobe
                                                    1. Hearing
                                                      1. Language
                                                        1. Visual Identification of Objects
                                                          1. Memory
                                                          2. Occipital Lobe
                                                            1. Vision
                                                            2. Sensory, Motor, Higher Cognitive Functions
                                                            3. Basal Ganglia
                                                              1. Caudate Nucleus
                                                                1. Putamen
                                                                  1. Globus Pallidus
                                                                    1. Controls movement.
                                                                    2. Limbic System
                                                                      1. Limbic Cortex
                                                                        1. Hippocampus
                                                                          1. Amygdala
                                                                            1. Learning, Memory & Emotion
                                                                          2. Diencephalon
                                                                            1. Thalamus
                                                                              1. Relay Station
                                                                              2. Hypothalamus
                                                                                1. Controls Autonomic Nervous System
                                                                                  1. The 4 F's.
                                                                                    1. Fighting
                                                                                      1. Fleeing
                                                                                        1. Feeding
                                                                                          1. Fornicating
                                                                                          2. Controls the Endocrine System

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