Extract 4


The balcony scene - guidelines and main points
Potato Milk
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Extract 4
  1. Act 2 Scene 2
    1. Details
      1. 1. Significance of names
        1. Highlights the contrast between the families in terms of conflict
          1. Extract consists of the lovers sacrificing their identities
            1. Identity represents pride, thus giving up family pride
              1. Declaring their love for each other
            2. Romeo
              1. 'I'll be new baptized'
                1. 'My name... is hateful to myself'
                  1. '[My name] is an enemy to thee'
                  2. Juliet
                    1. 'Deny thy father... refuse thy name'
                      1. 'Or if thou wilt not... I'll no longer be a Capulet'
                        1. Mercy to Romeo's name, by explaining it is:
                          1. 'Nor hand nor foot'
                            1. 'Nor arm nor face'
                              1. Identity does not barricade out love as a feeling for others
                              2. 'Nor any other part belonging to a man'
                          2. 2. Different complements from each other
                            1. 1. Romeo: 'Dear saint'
                              1. Refers back to Act 1 Scene 5, where Romeo used religious imagery to describe his love for Juliet
                                1. Described lips as hands meeting when pilgrims pray
                                  1. Likened Juliet to a holy shrine with many followers
                                2. 2. Juliet's genuine love for Romeo
                                  1. Admires Romeo even though Romeo is not present, talking to herself
                                    1. Empathy from the audience, due to their passion for love for each other
                                    2. Simple words: 'Dost thou love me?'
                                      1. Contrasts with Romeo's elaborate diction
                                3. Significance of the extract
                                  1. Famous scene that acts as the first declaration of true love for each other
                                    1. 'O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou?'
                                    2. Beginning of the turning point in the POV of Romeo towards the capulets
                                      1. Observed in Act 3 Scene 1
                                      2. Context
                                        1. Romeo and Juliet had just met in the party
                                          1. Romeo unable to leave Juliet, looks for her at the Balcony
                                            1. Proceeded to exchange vows


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