Impact of Tourism: Benidorm


aqa geog b
Ella Roberts
Mapa Mental por Ella Roberts, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Ella Roberts
Criado por Ella Roberts quase 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Impact of Tourism: Benidorm
  1. Positive Impacts
    1. Many jobs in tourism pay better than traditional farming or fishing jobs e.g. hotel receptonist
      1. Money from tourism -> improve infrastructure e.g. roads
        1. Farms + fishermen call sell their goods to hotels (economic)
          1. Improved water, electricity+ sewage systems+ internet connection for tourists can be used by locals
            1. Improves economic + socio-cultural level of locals
              1. Commercialization of local products -> more profit
              2. Why is Benidorm popular?
                1. Package deals
                  1. Short haul flight
                    1. All day bars + all night nightclubs
                      1. huge beach + hot summer temps.
                        1. with Northern Europeans
                          1. Main factor to tourist boom: 1967-> Alicante airport opened which brought in up to 12 million visitors a year by 1977 even though the population was only 60,000
                            1. Has: over 1,000 restaurants + 30 nightclubs
                              1. 20,000 apartments + 35,000 hotel beds to accommodate tourists
                              2. Negative impacts
                                1. Overcrowded -> Population increased from 700,000 to 110,000,00
                                  1. Hardly any of the beach is natural + is constantly having to be replenished due to erosion mainly due to humans
                                    1. Too much rubbish
                                      1. Congestion -> too many cars + too little buses
                                        1. Locals who are not wealthy struggle to find houses as house prices have increased due to high demand for second homes
                                          1. Poorly paid jobs with seasonal nature
                                            1. Water shortages- 30,000 pools; each tourists uses 880 litres of water
                                              1. 1990 -> sewage in sea -> typhoid outbreak
                                                1. Raise of narcotic traffic
                                                2. Solutions
                                                  1. English speaking police to diffuse conflict
                                                    1. Beach replenishment -> sand imported to improve quality of beach
                                                      1. Showers/FPs on beach -> stop removal of sand
                                                        1. New sewage system -> so raw sewage doesn't get pumped out into sea
                                                          1. New park built in tow centre £20 million
                                                            1. Theme park built just outside -> attract families into area


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