
Mapa Mental sobre ROMANTICISM, criado por Natasha Fix em 11-04-2017.
Natasha  Fix
Mapa Mental por Natasha Fix, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Natasha  Fix
Criado por Natasha Fix quase 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. originated in Europe toward the end of the 18th century (Germany: "Sturm und Drang")
    1. Characteristics
      1. emphasis on intense emotion and individualism
        1. glorification of past/nature
          1. reaction to Industrial Revolution (1820-1840)/Age of Enlightenment (focus on reason)/scientific rationalization of nature
            1. heroic individualists and artists
              1. content of the art had to come from imgaination of the artist -> concept of genius
                1. distrustful of the human world -> close connection with nature is healthy -> inspiration for poetry
                  1. favor of intuition and emotion -> also Poe's characters are dominated by their emotions
                    1. setting: obscure or unknown place -> timelessness
                      1. ordinary speech
                        1. Greek and Roman ruins
                          1. rebellion
                            1. sense and sensuality (not the mind)
                            2. Dark Romanticism
                              1. literary sub-genre
                                1. fascination with melancholia, insanity, crime, ghosts, irrational
                                  1. self-destruction and human fallibility
                                    1. nature in a sinister light -> Transcendentalism: nature is universal, divine
                                      1. death, supernatural force, loss of love, flawed society, evils of human nature


                                      Classificação das Constituições
                                      Cinemática Escalar: Conceitos fundamentais
                                      Bruno Fernandes3682
                                      Psicologia da Educação
                                      Glossário de Biologia
                                      Alessandra S.
                                      COMO APRENDER MAIS RAPIDO
                                      Nataniel Neto
                                      Vocabulário Inglês Básico_1
                                      Felipe Penha
                                      Simulado Inglês
                                      Marina Faria
                                      Tendências pedagógicas: Liberais e progressistas
                                      Thiago Silva
                                      Conhecimentos de Estatística e Probabilidade
                                      Sem Parar
                                      Patologia Geral - Hipertensão Arterial (Geral)