Laws Regarding Slaves


Rawan Taher
Mapa Mental por Rawan Taher, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Rawan Taher
Criado por Rawan Taher quase 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Laws Regarding Slaves
  1. Husbands maybe sold seperately from their wives.
    1. Children maybe sold seperately from their mothers.
      1. Slaves are not to be taught to read or write.
        1. Slaves can't own property.
          1. Slave testimonies can't be in court against white people.
            1. Slaves are not allowed to travel.
              1. Slaves caught trying to run away will be branded with the letter (R) with an iron
                1. Slaves can't gather together in groups
                  1. Slaves can't carry a weapon.


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