Starting up a business


Business/Economics (BMA1A01) Mapa Mental sobre Starting up a business, criado por Tyron du Plooy em 17-04-2017.
Tyron du Plooy
Mapa Mental por Tyron du Plooy, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Tyron du Plooy
Criado por Tyron du Plooy mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Starting up a business
    1. Start small, Stay small
      1. Limited Funds
        1. Objective to grow
          1. Own franchise
            1. Chain of Bakeries
            2. Start small and grow
              1. Earn a personal income
                1. hairdresser
                  1. childcare business
                    1. Home mechanic
                    2. Start big, Grow bigger
                      1. Advanced Funds
                        1. Team of partners
                          1. Pick n Pay
                            1. Ackermans
                              1. Investors
                              2. Buying an existing business
                                1. Buying into a fanchise
                                  1. Spur
                                    1. Mac Donalds
                                      1. Steers
                                    2. Different Business Sectors
                                      1. Secondary
                                        1. Brewery
                                          1. Bread Factory
                                            1. Jewel Maker
                                            2. Primary
                                              1. Farmers
                                                1. Miners
                                                  1. Fishermen
                                                  2. Tertiary
                                                    1. Transport
                                                      1. Retailers
                                                        1. Wholesalers
                                                      2. Start-up Process
                                                        1. Identify Opportunity
                                                          1. Evaluate feasability
                                                            1. Determine viability
                                                              1. Develop a plan
                                                                1. Establish the business
                                                                2. Will there be profit? how big is the market?
                                                                3. Is there a need or not?
                                                            2. CALCULLATIONS
                                                              1. Break Even point
                                                                1. PRODUCTS = FIXED COSTS / (SELLING PRICE - VARIABLE COSTS)
                                                                2. Expected net profit
                                                                  1. EXPECTED PROFIT = TOTAL EXPECTED INCOME - TOTAL EXPECTED EXPENSES
                                                                3. Business Plan Functions
                                                                  1. Inform investors and financiers
                                                                    1. Raise funds
                                                                      1. Guide management
                                                                        1. Define goals and strategies
                                                                          1. Elements of a Business Plan
                                                                            1. Cover Letter
                                                                              1. Who is the plan addressed to ?
                                                                                1. Email
                                                                                  1. Full name
                                                                                    1. Address
                                                                                      1. Contact Info
                                                                                        1. Title
                                                                                          1. Business nam
                                                                                        2. Description
                                                                                          1. what the business does, and its business sector
                                                                                          2. Table of contents
                                                                                            1. Executive Summary
                                                                                              1. 2 or 3 page summary
                                                                                              2. Vision, Mission, Goals and objectives
                                                                                                1. Management team
                                                                                                  1. Type of ownership
                                                                                                    1. Share Breakdown
                                                                                                      1. Specify pay
                                                                                                        1. other benifits
                                                                                                      1. MICRO ENVIRONMENT
                                                                                                        1. MAKRO ENVIRONMENT
                                                                                                        2. TYPES OF BUSINESS OWNERSHIP
                                                                                                          1. Private Company
                                                                                                                        1. Closed Corp
                                                                                                                          1. Sole Proprietorship
                                                                                                                            1. Partnership
                                                                                                                              1. Public Company


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