Nixon Domestic Policy


A2 level history Nixon Domestic Policy Revision
alice s
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Resumo de Recurso

Nixon Domestic Policy
  1. 'New Frontier' Economic Plan
    1. Appealed to 'Silent Majority' (i.e. White/Working class) -- advocated self-help and attacked Great Society:
      1. Shrunk OEO -- Closed 59 Job Corps centres -- cut fed. funding housing/youth programmes
      2. Proposed negative income tax
        1. 80% Americans believed those on benefits could get job if wanted
          1. Renewed Food Stamps = 'Family Assistance Programme' (FAP) -- could get cash for training/job hunting
            1. Criticised as free money (by conservatives) and threat to minimum wage (by unions)
              1. Fails pass Congress 1972
              2. Vetoed Child Development Act 1971 = too $$$
                1. Despite plan, welfare spending rose (sympathetic to poor) e.g. Supplementary Security Income (SSI) for elderly/disabled
                  1. 1971/1974 proposed health insurance reform
                  2. Bureaucracy
                    1. Hypocritically more bureaucratic in offices/acts created
                      1. 1970: EPA // Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act
                        1. 1972: Noise Control Act
                          1. 1973: DEA
                            1. 1974: Safe Drinking Act
                            2. Nixonomics
                              1. Unemployment 1968 3.3% - 1970 6.6%
                                1. Inflation 1968 4.7% - 1970 12.1%
                                  1. 1st approach
                                    1. monetary restraint
                                    2. 2nd approach
                                      1. hold fed. spending under $200B = strikes = 'stagflation'
                                      2. 3rd approach
                                        1. 1971 'New Economic Policy' = wage/price freeze - tax cuts - 10% import tax - end 1944 Bretton-Woods Accords
                                          1. Led to 1973 OPEC embargo = 387% increase price


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