In this environment you will find the
general information about the course, its
agreements, news forums, the general
forum, the course agenda and other
tools to guide the training process.
You will find the guide to develop the
practical component, which is the
Speaking assignment.
Here you will find the syllabus of the course
and each one of the units of support for the
learning during the course.
Here you can interact with your groupmates and socialize
the contributions that will help consolidate the final work.
In this environment is the activity guide for each of the
learning units of the course.
Here you can find links of interest that can help you for the
formative process like the virtual library, institutional
welfare, registration and control and student regulation.
This environment is to publish the consolidation of the
final works, perform the online evaluations and to fill
the portfolio to record your activities and progress
during the course.