Three pieces of advice on how to avoid accidents
involving a computer.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome runs from the bottom of your wrist to your lower palm. CTS is caused when the space
inside the tunnel shrinks, placing pressure on the median nerve. Compression of the nerve results in symptoms
of pain and numbness… and a burning or tingling sensation in your hand and fingers.” If left untreated can lead
to permanent nerve damage. This can be prevented by taking brakes at a regular rate or when you feel pain.
RSI is not a life threatening injury but can be painful and limiting.
Symptoms include : * Pains or tenderness in your muscles or joints
* Throbbing sensation in the affected area * Tingling (pins and
needles) or numbness in your hand or arm * Loss of strength or
sensation in your hand
Another problem could be Back painIn
general, the best treatment is to stay active
and, if necessary, use over-the-counter