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Northern Ireland
Mapa Mental sobre Northern Ireland, criado por Chloie Galdo em 12-05-2014.
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Mapa Mental por
Chloie Galdo
, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por
Chloie Galdo
mais de 10 anos atrás
Resumo de Recurso
Northern Ireland
Divided loyalties
Protestants doesn't want to be reunited with Republic of Ireland
they fear that the catholic government may not be tolerant to their beliefs
Catholics want to be reunited with Republic of Ireland
makes catholics and protestants intolerant of each other
Unequal allocation of housing
Catholics were 'deprived' from getting their own house. However, Protestants were given more houses than the Catholics.
This was unfair for the Catholics because they had to wait for many years to own a house
made Catholics frustrated with the shortage of housing
The government have taken measures to improve housing to reduce dissatisfaction among the catholics.
Unequal employment oppurtunities
Catholics find it hard to find jobs because they were given to Protestant
jobs were given based on religion
especially government jobs
Lack of voting rights
ONLY those who owned a house and a business is entitled to vote
2 votes/household
This was unfair for the poorer catholics as richer protestants that owned bigger companies ended up with more votes
majority of votes came from protestants
lack of opportunities for social interaction
Fully funded public schools (for protestants ONLY)
British history
play british sports
rugby, hockey & cricket
Private schools (for catholics ONLY) - partly funded by government
Irish history
Taught irish language and culture
play Irish sports
Social segregetion
Catholics and the Protestants are segregated due to the atmosphere of tension and violence
It is seldom for young children in Northern Ireland to meet someone from the other community.
leading to lack of understanding between the two groups
Declining economy
the conflict discouraged domestic and foreign investors from investing in the country
hence, affecting Northern Ireland's economy
Political platform
civil rights out pressure on Northern Ireland to pass anti-discrimination measures
Northern Ireland announced getting rid of reforms(or ineffective system/institutions) in local government in Northern Ireland
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