Explain how according to Aquinas, the ability to reason helps humans achieve 'the highest good'


Mapa Mental sobre Explain how according to Aquinas, the ability to reason helps humans achieve 'the highest good', criado por Katie Mellor em 12-05-2014.
Katie Mellor
Mapa Mental por Katie Mellor, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Katie Mellor
Criado por Katie Mellor mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Explain how according to Aquinas, the ability to reason helps humans achieve 'the highest good'
  1. Aquinas and Aristotle both believe that what makes humans unique is their ability to reason.
    1. Aquinas believed that reason was a gift from God to humanity.
      1. 'Do good and avoid evil.'
        1. All humans know what's right and what's wrong.
      2. The highest god is God
        1. We have to be moral to create the right relationship with God.
          1. Which gives us eternal life
            1. Adam and Eve created the wrong relationship with God.
              1. By being moral we can fix this.
            2. following the primary precepts helps us reach the highest good.
              1. The Primary Precepts
                1. to learn
                  1. to worship God
                    1. To reproduce.
                      1. to protect the innocent.
                        1. to live in an ordered society.
                          1. Secondary precepts make these more easy to achieve.
                            1. more of a relativistic approach to achieve the precepts.
                              1. more flexible
                                1. the act that leads us to achieving the primary precept
                          2. By reasoning we are able to make moral decisions
                            1. by being moral we can achieve good.
                              1. the highest good is eternal life.
                            2. Some of us can get distracted from our main goal (The highest good)
                              1. We get misled by apparent goods.
                                1. alcohol
                                  1. Drugs
                                  2. Real goods
                                    1. Acts that are moral and benefit others e.g- charity.


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