present simple-vs-present continuous


ingles Mapa Mental sobre present simple-vs-present continuous, criado por MARYURI KAREN ESPINEL NUNEZ em 25-04-2017.
Mapa Mental por MARYURI KAREN ESPINEL NUNEZ, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por MARYURI KAREN ESPINEL NUNEZ mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

present simple-vs-present continuous
  1. Form
    1. I,you,we,they: Base Form+verb+complement he,she,it: Base Form+ verb S + complement
      1. (-): (I,you,we,they)+don't+verb (he,she,it)+doesn't+verb
        1. (?): Do+(I,you,we,they)+verb+complement+? Does+(he,she,it)+verb+complement+?
        2. Form
          1. subject+ verb to be+ verb Ing + Complement
            1. (-): subject+verb to be+ not+verb ing + complement
              1. (?): verb to be + subject+verb ing+ complement
              2. Uses
                1. Habits
                  1. I get up early every day
                  2. Activities
                    1. She takes the train to the office
                    2. General Statements
                      1. It rains a lot in winter
                    3. Uses
                      1. For actions in process at the moment of speaking
                        1. He is reading a book
                          1. We are not studing
                            1. Are they dancing?


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