The Natabun


all about the natabun
Nathan de Carle
Mapa Mental por Nathan de Carle, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Nathan de Carle
Criado por Nathan de Carle mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

The Natabun
  1. The Natabun looks like an ordinary mini lop rabbit.
    1. They can come in various colors. The most common colors are brown, black and white. Slightly more rare, is grey, or white with black spots. Even more rarely they can be blue with yellow stripes, and then there is the lord Natabun, the rainbow Natabun. It's fur looks like this but slower.
      1. Natabun's Powers.
        1. Can turn fur into sharp needles.
          1. Can curl into a ball and roll around at 50MPH.
            1. Has wings and can fly. wings blend in perfectly to fur when on ground.
            2. Natabun's live for 500 years.
              1. They are the size of a mini lop until the age of 10.
                1. On their 10th birthday the grow very quickly to be the size of a small pony.
                2. Only need to sleep for 1 hour a day
                  1. Make great pets and will get along with your other ones too!
                    1. Become best friends with other rabbits, Camaros and dogs.
                      1. Don't get on too well with other Natabuns.
                      2. Are very loyal, but do have morals. They will not kill anyone.
                      3. In the wild.
                        1. Habitat
                          1. Forests
                            1. Fields
                            2. When living in the forest they build massive treehouses.
                              1. When living in fields they dig out massive houses out of the dirt.


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