

MSc Epidemiology Practical Epidemiology EPM 103 Mapa Mental sobre Surveillance, criado por jmoffman em 14-05-2014.
Mapa Mental por jmoffman, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por jmoffman mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. an ongoing activity
    1. to detect changes in trends or distribution of a disease or behaviours leading to an increased risk of a disease
      1. with the aim of facilitating disease control
        1. In order to be effective, a surveillance system must be: practical, uniform, rapid
          1. Common approaches to collect surveillance data
            1. Reporting of notifiable diseases
              1. Advantages: comprehensive coverage, cheap to run, enables action to be taken quickly to control outbreaks
                1. Disadvantages: inaccuracy of diagnosis because of a) lack of standard clinical criteria for diagnosis b) clinical diagnoses often used, without laboratory confirmation, incomplete (and possibly unrepresentative), minimal data on each case
                2. Sentinel reporting schemes: sample of primary care providers asked to submit regular reports on all cases of specified diseases diagnosed within specified time period
                  1. Advantages: more accurate; more rapid; can get more data on each case, which may include laboratory data; can monitor trends
                    1. Disadvantages: less complete coverage, and so will not identify localised outbreaks or diseases which only occur in a limited geographical area; less useful for rare diseases
                    2. Laboratory surveillance: Diagnostic microbiology laboratories are asked to report all identifications of specified organisms to a central agency.
                      1. Advantages: high diagnostic accuracy; availability of additional laboratory information such as serotyping or patterns of antibiotic resistance
                        1. Disadvantages: small sample of all cases, which may be unrepresentative; strongly influenced by pattern of laboratory use of individual practitioners; limited clinical information; only useful for diseases which have a diagnostic test
                        2. Serological surveillance: examining blood samples, usually provided for another purpose, for antibodies to a specific pathogen of interest
                          1. Periodic population-based surveys: Population-based surveys can provide surveillance data if they are repeated at regular intervals.
                            1. important that such surveys are conducted using standardised methods so that comparisons over time are valid
                            2. Syndromic surveillance to detect unusual disease clusters rapidly
                              1. Second generation surveillance to improve the use of surveillance in the control of the HIV epidemic
                                1. Informal networks: WHO manages the Global Alert and Response Network (GAR) and maintains a list of early reports of potential outbreaks
                                  1. Other examples of surveillance data
                                  2. Criteria for Priority for Surveillance
                                    1. disease frequency
                                      1. Disease severity
                                        1. Cost of disease
                                          1. PReventability
                                            1. transmissibility and outbreak potential
                                              1. public interest and media attention
                                              2. Steps for planning a surveillance system
                                                1. 1. establish objectives
                                                  1. 2. develop case definition
                                                    1. 3. develop data collection mechanism
                                                      1. 4. field test methods
                                                        1. 5. Interpretation
                                                          1. 6. Dissemination
                                                            1. 7. Evaluation of system


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