input and output devices.


Mapa Mental sobre input and output devices., criado por Kane Price em 24-05-2017.
Kane Price
Mapa Mental por Kane Price, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Kane Price
Criado por Kane Price mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

input and output devices.
  1. input devices
    1. keyboard
      1. printer
        1. mouse.
          1. 3D printer
            1. A 3D printer works by you programming what you want to make into it and then it will make it.
            2. A mouse works by plugging in the USB cable that comes from it then put it into the USB port in the computer then you can operate the mouse.
            3. A normal printer works by you putting the paper into it and then tell it to print what you want and then it will print it.
            4. A keyboard works by having a USB cable plugged into the computer and then whatever you type will appear on the screen
            5. A input device is something you can put into a computer and then it benefits the user. IG. a mouse.
            6. storage devices
              1. A USB stick
                1. A USB stick can be used by you saving something you want on it and then you can move the storage on it to another computer
                2. computer hard drive
                  1. A hard drive is used where all of your storage goes when you save something on your computer it goes on there.
                  2. RAM
                    1. A ram if like a hard drive but
                  3. output devices
                    1. subwoofer
                      1. wireless speakers
                        1. A output device is a device that makes images or sound come out.
                        2. prosessing
                          1. CPU
                          2. Network
                            1. Router


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