The Value of Art


A-Level Philosophy (Why do we value art?) Mapa Mental sobre The Value of Art, criado por lucy-hook em 15-05-2013.
Mapa Mental por lucy-hook, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por lucy-hook mais de 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

The Value of Art
  1. Representation theories of art
    1. a painting is always a painting of something
      1. thus it gains its value in its ability to mirror the world
      2. Plato viewed art as imitation but that we should not value it
        1. we should instead use reason to understand the essence of the object or concept, rather than look at art
          1. art fails to inform us or give us any knowledge of the world
          2. art can use symbols, conventions and signs to represent themes - not imitate
            1. art can convey some vision or truth
              1. Issues
                1. forgeries
                  1. no value for abstract art or ready-made art
                    1. would have to consider trompe l'oeils as the best art
                  2. Expression theories of art
                    1. artist's purpose is to express and reflect on his emotions and portray them through the art
                      1. Croce and Collingwood
                        1. art is the expression of sense-impressions and the feelings raised within the artist
                          1. appreciation of the artist's imagination and creative process
                            1. Issues
                              1. assumes that the emotions felt by the audience will be of a similar nature to those experienced by the artist
                                1. not enough value on the actual art - focus is on the creative process
                                  1. ignore the importance of skill
                                  2. disregards emotionless, realist and religious art
                                  3. art proper expresses purely aesthetic emotions
                                  4. the best art invokes the strongest reaction in the audience
                                    1. Tolstoy
                                      1. purpose is to express some type of moral message through the communication of their feelings
                                        1. Issues
                                          1. would have to consider horror films as the best art
                                            1. facial expressions fit the criteria
                                              1. Kant - aesthetic and moral judgments should be separate
                                          2. Formalist theories of art
                                            1. considers the purely artistic qualities of art
                                              1. lines, shapes, colours, chords, harmonica progressions etc.
                                              2. values the art in itself, for itself, rather than being almost secondary to what it represents or what emotions it expresses
                                                1. Clive Bell - significant form characterised by the ability to generate aesthetic emotions in the audience
                                                  1. most inclusive of all theories
                                                    1. Issues
                                                      1. difficulty distinguishing art from artefact
                                                        1. very modern view
                                                          1. forgeries
                                                            1. circular


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